Monday, September 30, 2019

Alternative Medicines Final

Analyze how western (aliphatic) medicine could benefit from incorporating more eastern (holistic) medicine. Use at least three specific examples. (6 points) Aliphatic medicine could benefit from many of the principles of holistic medicine. One of the eight basic principles of holistic health care is that health requires an Integration of mind, body and spirit. This Idea Is present In meditation and research suggests that those who meditate are healthier. Especially In regard to stress Induced Illnesses.Western medicine could also benefit from the idea that the individual must affirm arsenal responsibility for their own health. Too often in our society people don't want to change the habits that are making them unhealthy. Another principle that could provide benefit to western medicine is the idea that disease is a process and provides an opportunity for personal growth. Currently western medicine views disease as a negative and focuses on treating symptoms. 2. You are developing a ca rdiac rehab class for patients after they have heart surgery.You could use Respiratory One Method, Mindfulness Meditation, or Imagery. Explain which one you choose to use and why. 4 points) Studies Indicate that ROOM Is an effective treatment In cardiac disorders, reducing PC's and Instances of SW, however it does not specify post cardiac surgery results. On the other hand imagery has proved to be helpful pre and post surgery in recovery times. Imagery shows to benefit blowfly, reduce inflammation, reduce anxiety, help with pain and even improve cancer patients outcomes. Based on it's wide range of benefits, I would utilize Imagery. 3.You want to try an Eastern therapy (Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, or Arrived) for your asthma. Choose one and describe your reasoning. (4 points) I would choose Acupuncture based on the research and experiments mentioned in the book. Several different studies by Berger and Fund Indicate † acupuncture superior to sham acupuncture for relieving acute symptoms of despise. † peg 330. In reading throughout the book, I was unable to find any evidence regarding the other treatment options in relation to asthma. Other tests conducted referenced on pages 335-337 indicate improvements in various symptoms regarding asthma. . You are experiencing chronic low back pain. Explain which alternative health practitioner you will volt and detail the reasons why you choose him/her. (4 points) treatment would have been the best treatment option. However, while researching this question I found that progressive relaxation has proven benefit as well as the ability to increase pain tolerance. Acupuncture seems to be the most effective treatment option as there are more studies that support its effectiveness. 5. You have an infection and decide to complement your prescription medicine with aromatherapy.Describe which essential oil you choose, what method of application ND why. (4 points) I would choose Lavender as a topical appli cation to the infected site. â€Å"in 1910 Gatehouse burned himself badly in a laboratory experiment. † He used Lavender as a rinse to treat the gangrene that developed at the burn site. This essential oil stopped the gasification of the tissue. 6. You are experiencing a stressful time in your life. Assess which complementary or alternative health therapies you will incorporate into your schedule to reduce your stress. Evaluate how they will benefit you. Choose at least three. (6 points)Aromatherapy: â€Å"Certain essential oils such as lavender, rose, enroll and vituperating are well known† for the ability to potentially reduce stress. Essential oils have the potential to reduce stress, induce deep relaxation and promote better sleep. Music Therapy: Research indicates that music can affect mood states, decrease pain and increase cognitive function. Music selection must be appropriate to the desired effect. Exercise: Research concluded, † High stress college stud ents who participated in an exercise program reported greater decreases in depression than those who articulated in a relaxation program or no treatment. Another study indicated a high intensity workout program significantly reduced psychological tension. 7. You are choosing an herbal remedy to take for anxiety. Examine which herb you choose and why, including pharmacological properties, action, side effects, and interactions. (4 points) I would choose Kava Kava as it is considered non-addictive anxiety reducing agent comparable to painlessness's. It has demonstrated effects as a sedative, analgesic, anticonvulsant and muscle relaxant. Kava seems to act on he limbic system, which helps regulate the emotional process in the brain.Side effects include sleepiness and at high doses it can increase RFC, cause blood in the urine, decrease platelet count and cause shortness of breath. Research shows that using kava even after 3 months can result in liver failure and death. So great caution needs to be used in taking this herb. Therapy could assist an athlete's performance. Pick a sport and be specific. (4 points) Football players face incredible impact on Joints, muscle tissues, tendons and ligaments. It is common for them to receive professional massage to address these damaged and stressed areas.Benefits of massage would affect the circulatory and muscular systems by increasing circulation and enhancing venous return. Statistically significant results in reducing welling has been observed. Football players would also benefit from massage and its effects that it has on the skeletal system. It would increase Joint mobility and flexibility. Massage would also greatly benefit the nervous system in reducing pain response and increasing relaxation. 9. Analyze the legal and ethical issues of implementing Erik energy therapy into the hospital setting. 4 points) The legal issues regarding implementing Erik therapy into hospitals are there are no recognized regulatory or gov erning board. So the training, education and protocols are inconsistent and hospitals cannot guarantee the quality of treatment or care offered by these professionals. Therefore they can't ethically recommend these treatments without any standards of care. 10. Because of your family history, you are concerned about getting cancer. Evaluate hat steps you could change in your environment to decrease your health risk.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Alcohol and College Students Essay

Excessive drinking by college students has become a social phenomenon in which College students do not acknowledge the health risks that are involved with their excessive drinking habits. Furthermore, college students do not know enough about alcohol in general and what exactly it does to the body or they do not pay attention to the information given to them. There needs to be a complete saturation on the campuses, with the help of businesses and the media, expressing how excessive drinking is not attractive and not socially accepted. A report from GSU seeks to explore all aspects of alcohol abuse related to college students through definitions and statistical problems of alcohol abuse in hopes of ultimately providing solutions to increasing the wellness at Georgia Southern University. One of the biggest problems with educational institutions in the United States is alcohol abuse among college students. College students across the United States end up missing class, having unprotected sex, damaging property, and getting injured as a result of abusing alcohol. Also the health risks involved with binge or excessive drinking is very prevalent and risky for any college student who chooses to abuse alcohol. Besides alcohol poisoning, there are many cancers and diseases associated with alcohol abuse that ultimately lead to death. Liver cancer, breast cancer, and skin cancer can all be associated with alcohol abuse. Also heart and liver disease can be associated with alcohol abuse. Ultimately the over all wellness among Colleges and Universities in the United States drops dramatically when alcohol is abused. The abuse of alcohol among college students has a direct correlation to socialization. Students who go to college believe that binge or excessive drinking is a social norm. That when you go off to college it’s time to not only get a degree, but also a time to drink and socialize at parties. In the end, alcohol is glamorized and often enough abused. Ultimately alcohol becomes so much of a social norm that students do not realize how and when alcohol is abusive. Therefore the problem is how to inform students in a socially acceptable manner of how and when alcohol becomes abusive to their own well being. Most college students think of alcohol as that cheap high they get to obtain on the weekends at social events called parties. Knowing what alcohol really is and what exactly it can do to your body in excessive amounts over time and in any one sitting is one of the main problems with why college students abuse alcohol. The social norm of binge or excessive drinking in college is prevailing over the social fact of what alcohol really is and what it can do to a person’s health! There are many definitions associated with alcohol and alcohol abuse in general that need to be clarified. The actual definition of alcohol is a â€Å"liquid distilled product of fermented fruits, grains, and vegetables used as a solvent, antiseptic and sedative†. The possible effects of alcohol would include intoxication, sensory alteration, and anxiety reduction. Symptoms of overdose would include staggering, loss of coordination, slurred speech, dilated pupils, and nerve and liver damage. Indications of possible misuse would include confusion, disorientation, convulsions, shock, drowsiness, respiratory depression, and possible death. College students are confused as to what is considered alcohol abuse and simply alcoholism. The confusion between the definitions of alcohol abuse and alcoholism leads to many misconceptions or myths among college students about alcoholics. College students who abuse alcohol seem to be able to drink excessively each and every weekend and consider themselves not to be alcoholics or not in endanger of becoming alcoholics. College students who are binge or excessive drinkers are able to avoid being labeled an alcoholic because it’s so socially acceptable in college to drink and drink often. The distinction is that â€Å"when drinking begins to interfere with any aspect of a person’s life it’s considered alcohol abuse. And when drinking becomes addictive, either psychologically or physically, it’s considered alcoholism. Alcohol abuse, if left untreated, can very easily progress into alcoholism†. Most college students believe the myth that people who are morally weak or have emotional problems are the ones who can become alcoholics. Whereas the truth is that â€Å"studies show there are no particular personality traits that cause alcoholism to occur. What’s important is how much and how often someone drinks, not what kind of person they are†. Ultimately college students are setting themselves up to become the alcoholics of the future because they drink when their depressed, stressed about school work, and to simply have a so called good time. The social acceptance of drinking alcohol in college statistically makes alcohol abuse among college students one of the biggest problems among educational institutions in the United States. Statistically alcohol has caused a wealth of misfortune and death across the United States just among college students. â€Å"According to the Core Institute, an organization that surveys college drinking practices, 300,000 of today’s college students will eventually die of alcohol-related causes such as drunk driving accidents, cirrhosis of the liver, various cancers, and heart disease†. In addition â€Å"drinking and driving has been reported by 60% of college men and 50% of college women who are binge drinkers†. Also â€Å"75% of male students and 55% of female students involved in acquaintance rape had been drinking at the time†. â€Å"Between 75% and 90% of all violence on campuses is alcohol related†. â€Å"Alcohol is a factor in 66% of student suicides and 60% of all sexually-transmitted diseases†. Besides just misfortunes and deaths among college students who abuse alcohol there is plenty of academic statistics that shows how alcohol affects a student’s performance in the classroom. It is a miracle how some students can go out and drink as much as they do and still get their work done and eventually graduate. On the over hand some students are not as fortunate as to survive drinking alcohol excessively for five years of their college career and still graduate. An alarming â€Å"159,000 of today’s first year college students will drop out of school next year for alcohol related reasons†. â€Å"Almost one-third of college students admit to having missed at least one class because of their alcohol use, and nearly one-quarter of students report bombing a test or project because of the aftereffects of drinking†. Also it has been reported that students who drink excessively hinder their ability to think abstractly in class for up to three or four days after drinking. Alcohol abuse by college students really puts America far behind certain other countries such as China in academics when our U. S. students abuse alcohol more than any other country. Health related issues; college students who abuse alcohol are more likely to also obtain sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) as well. Because most colleges these days are coed and alcohol is placed between young men and women were the social norm is to drink the chances for STDs to arise is very prevalent. College students spend $5. 5 billion dollars on alcohol and drink an estimated 4 billion cans of beer annually. The total amount of alcohol consumed by college students each year is 430 million gallons, enough for every college and university in the United States to fill an Olympic-size swimming pool. Mix this amount of alcohol consumption in between young men and women away from their parents for the first time and what you have is STD heaven. â€Å"As many as 70% of college students admit to having engaged in sexual activity primarily as a result of being under the influence of alcohol, or to having sex they wouldn’t have had if they had been sober†. An outstanding â€Å"60% of college women who are infected with STDs, including genital herpes and AIDS, report that they were under the influence of alcohol at the time they had intercourse with the infected person†. â€Å"According to the Center for Disease Control, 1 in 1500 college students is HIV positive, and the fastest-growing populations of American people infected with HIV are teenagers and young Adults in college†. From all the statistics reported above, extremely large amounts of college students still abuse alcohol. There must be a reason why and new solutions ought to be considered. The statistics reported above have been in print for at least a year or two and educated students in college must have heard something about them, but these statistics still do not create a great enough awareness to cut down on the ever growing trend of alcohol abuse by college students. Part of this is due do to the lack of knowledge that college students have about alcohol abuse in general and that college students really do not know when and how alcohol is abusive to their own well being. Part of this is due to the fact that drinking alcohol is the socially acceptable cool thing to do in college, which causes more people to abuse alcohol on a regular basis. The most prevalent thing is how cheap it is for college students to obtain alcohol in college and how much the media exposes college students to the idea that drinking alcohol is a social norm. â€Å"Beer manufacturers spend an estimated $15-20 million annually to promote their products to college students. Simply offering scare tactics about alcohol abuse with impressive statistics and banged up cars really does not work completely to reduce the amount of excessive drinking going on in college. Successful solutions must be collaborative in nature. In conclusion, alcohol abuse among college students is a social phenomena that is currently normative in nature. In other words, most everyone going to college and most everyone already in college expect to drink excessive amounts of alcohol because it’s socially accepted, and therefore college students do not view their excessive drinking habits as a problem. In order to fix social phenomena you must create a greater social phenomenon to take its place. There must be collaboration among students and faculty, local media and advertising companies, and local businesses to send out the message that excessive drinking is not socially cool or normative at all. Georgia Southern University recommended that education about excessive drinking should begin with kids in middle school and continue throughout high school. The local media needs to stop advertising how easy and cheap it is to obtain alcohol and start advertising how unsocial it is to be a drunk. Local businesses that sell alcohol need to work with colleges and the media to cut down on under age drinking and stop selling alcohol so cheap. Bibliography A Students Guide www. glness. com www2. gasou. edu www. factontap. org.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Individual Project in Supply Chain Management Assignment

Individual Project in Supply Chain Management - Assignment Example Since, these are ideal scenarios and cannot be totally realized in practice, the company would never be able to eliminate stock-outs completely. However, John and Michael should aim for efficient management of stock-outs to control inventory as well as prevent business loss. References Vasconcellos,Luis.H.R.,Sampaio, Mauro. (2009). The Stockouts Study: an Examination of the Extent and the Causes in the Sao Paulo Supermarket Sector, Brazaillian Administration Review, Curitiba,( vol. 6, n. 3, art. 6, pp. 263-279, July/Sept. 2009) 2. Costs, Demand & Trade- offs associated with Stock-outs The costs associated with stock-outs to Stone Horse Supply Company may be internal such as loss in production, loss in working hours, delays, excess labour cost etc. or external such as lost sales and profit, loss of goodwill and trust etc. While taking a decision regarding stock levels, John and Michael have to primarily consider a trade-off between two costs. One of them is the holding cost of the inv entory while the other is the opportunity cost of the lost sales (Vasconcellos, 2009). A proper balance needs to be maintained between the two for efficient operations. It is not required to completely eliminate the stock-outs. In fact, stock-outs below 5% are healthy and indicate a continuous increase in demand. References Vasconcellos,Luis.H.R.,Sampaio, Mauro. (2009). The Stockouts Study: an Examination of the Extent and the Causes in the Sao Paulo Supermarket Sector, Brazaillian Administration Review, Curitiba,( vol. 6, n. 3, art. 6, pp. 263-279, July/Sept. 2009) 3. Ways to measure Product Availability Product availability can be defined as the capability of a firm to fulfil customer demand with the existing inventory of goods. There are several ways available to the Stone Horse Supply Company

Friday, September 27, 2019

Short Story Literary Analysis Paper (thesis) Thesis

Short Story Literary Analysis Paper ( ) - Thesis Example Jack feels â€Å"powerless whenever he has to protect his mother from unhappiness, poverty and violence† (Wolff 1). With the rifle, he feels powerful and authoritative. The dying salmon are symbolic of the move that Jack and Rosemary will make. Jack and Rosemary â€Å"point out the salmon as they swim from the saltwater to freshwater† (Wolff 1). The salmon are dying because they are not used to the new habitat. Rosemary and Jack face a similar situation when they leave their homes. They face the pettiness and cruelty of Dwight (Wolff 1). The beaver killed by Dwight is symbolic of the life that awaits Jack. Dwight killed the beaver while driving back home. Jack is about to become helpless, like the beaver. He will live at the mercy of Dwight. Tobias Wolff’s story, â€Å"That Room† is about a man who sought employment at a farm. In order to outline the theme of racism and tell the story effectively, the author used symbolism. Symbolism is evident in the interactions between Jack and Rosemary, and Jack and Dwight. In most of the scenes, symbolism shows readers that a symbolic event has the potential to change a character’s

Thursday, September 26, 2019

People Resourcing and Reward Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

People Resourcing and Reward - Essay Example In turn, effective planning can serve as a potent remedy some of the most pressing problems faced by companies. According to Kohl (n. d.), human resource planning in indispensable as it "serves to stabilize employment levels when demand for a firm's product is variable." In this case this tool becomes important in "reducing the firm's unemployment compensation liability costs due to layoffs, providing more job security to the firm's employees, and minimizing the costs of overtime during periods of peak demand." This highlights the company's ability to source the needed workforce only when they are required. This is done by hiring temporary employees in order to fill up positions during peak seasons. Human resource planning also addresses the company's problem in employee turnover. This tool prevents young college recruits from leaving the business organization after it has spent on expensive training programs primarily because of the lack opportunities for promotion. As human resource planning uses techniques in order to forecast the future organizational needs of the company, training and skill enhancement programs will only be extended when they are deemed necessary in the future. This then also "reduces the problems of managerial succession by permitting plans for replacements to be drawn up in advance in case key executives resign or die" (Kohl n.d.). In the end, human resource planning also helps in enhancing the financial performance of the company by increasing its profits. It makes possible the allocation of financial resources so that departments will have the necessary people to produce the firm's desired output. Human resource planning is seen as tool which is utilized in maximizing the resources of business organization by assigning each of the members of the workforce to the task or assignments where he or she can function more efficiently. Through this, the skills and knowledge of the human resource is utilized to the areas where they are most needed. However, aside from the perceived advantages of human resource planning, it also has its own set of critiques. Firstly, the effectiveness of the tool is directly linked with the business organizations ability to forecast of human resource needs in the future. Failure to exactly estimate the human resource needs will make human resource planning only a waste of time because the company may still face shortages or surpluses of resources. The hardship of effective forecasting technique is even aggravated by the rapidly changing global markets which make it impossible for companies to predict the future of their operations. Kohl (n.d.) also adds the "inherent mathematical complexity associated to model human resource systems." Until now,

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Critically analyse the case of WPBSA v Hendry Essay

Critically analyse the case of WPBSA v Hendry - Essay Example ording to the UK Sport Equality Statement (2008), â€Å"equality is about recognising and removing the barriers faced by people involved or wanting to be involved in any sport.† This legal position would help promote competition within the sporting sector. Basically, there should be freedom of entry or exit within a sporting sector where there would be no barriers. In the above case study, competition is virtually restricted under the agreement between WPBSA and players such that any unsanctioned tournament would amount to infringement of the law which creates monopoly. It is worth noting that the value of sport can greatly help improve the delivery of a wide rage of benefits socially and even economically. Thus, according to the EU Commission, which passed a white paper in July 2007 on sport, there is need to raise awareness on the positive impacts such as the social function of unifying different people, the positive economic impact as well as the need to promote good governance through the provision of a culture that gives freedom to everyone to be involved in sport. In view of the above case, there is need for other regulatory bodies to design regulations that promote a competitive environment in a particular sporting field such as snooker in this particular case. Competition is always healthy in any commercial market where many actors would help improve the overall performance of the whole sector. Monopolizing of a particular sector of the market often give an undesirable element where other competitors are sidelined on the basis of particular regulations that govern sporting activities in any given country. In my own opinion, I think the statutory legal framework should also cater for other competitors such that they would not be restricted to participate in any particular sector of the market. The sport governing bodies should not be vested with ultimate, absolute powers to oversee and control all sectors of a sporting market which would promote monopoly

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

APPLIED DECISION METHODS CLASS; MOD4; Regression Models discussion Essay

APPLIED DECISION METHODS CLASS; MOD4; Regression Models discussion - Essay Example Sales, and Price vs. Sales determined. Using computer software or excel, the coefficients can be generated and measures of goodness of fit determined hence assisting in drawing the scatter diagrams. Render et al. asserts that assessing the plots (measured and calculated values of the dependent variable) and can be used to determine the quality of the model (pg. 127). For a good and apposite model, the trends should not be very dissimilar, and if the difference between measured and calculated points is huge, an ostensible trend should exist. What’s more, in the residual plot, the residual values of the dependent variable should be arbitrarily scattered around the line err=0 and the mean should be zero (normality). For the model to be statistically valid and stable, the confidence intervals to be used should be significantly small. An awkward model yields inaccurate derivative values and impractical results for even smallest extrapolations. Additionally, for an appropriate model, the errors should have a constant variance that expedites the

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Main Factors For An Economic Growth Term Paper

The Main Factors For An Economic Growth - Term Paper Example At this point, the following problem appears: how can investment benefit quickly the local economy if bureaucracy sets obstacles in the completion of the relevant processes? From this point of view, it could be stated that the effects of investment on economic growth are not standardized. Investment contributes to economic growth but the terms of the success of the relevant plans are depended on a series of factors, such as the local regulations, meaning especially the laws on investment, the availability of sources, the political and social stability and so on. Another factor which can also affect economic growth is the human capital. Nijkamp notes that the term ‘human capital’ can be used for describing the workforce, i.e. those involved in the production processes of the local economy. There is no differentiation between locals and foreigners, meaning that human capital would also include expatriates who are asked to participate in the business projects developed within a particular country. However, when referring to ‘human capital’ as influencing economic growth, it would be preferable to consider a particular team of persons: the locals who are able and willing to be engaged in the business activities developed across their country. From this point of view, the value of ‘human capital’ within a specific country can be influenced by the education and training available to people of different age and gender. Human capital is not directly related to the macroeconomic conditions of each country.... Investment, in any case, contributes in economic growth but the terms of success of the relevant plans are depended on a series of factors, such as the local regulations, meaning especially the laws on investment, the availability of sources, the political and social stability and so on. Another factor which can also affects economic growth is the human capital. Nijkamp (2010) notes that the term ‘human capital’ can be used for describing the workforce, i.e. those involving in the production processes (products and services) of the local economy. There is no differentiation between locals and foreigners, meaning that human capital would also include expatriates who are asked to participate in the business projects developed within a particular country. However, when referring to ‘human capital’ as influencing economic growth, it would be preferable to consider a particular team of persons: the locals who are able and willing to be engaged in the business act ivities developed across their country. From this point of view, the value of ‘human capital’ within a specific country can be influenced by the education and training available to people of different age and gender (Nijkamp 43). Human capital, as a term used in the explanation of economic growth, is not directly related to the macroeconomic conditions of each country; however, its existence and its quality is reflected in these conditions. For example, a high GDP level would indicate that people across the country are appropriately educated and trained, supporting the growth of their organization, as this growth result also in the growth of the economy. From a similar point of view, it is noted that the promotion of research and

Sunday, September 22, 2019

How Europeans Affected the Indians Essay Example for Free

How Europeans Affected the Indians Essay The arrival of the Europeans affected the Indians in several different ways. The Indians were exposed to new experiences such as diseases, religion, racism, land ownership, and trade to name a few. The Indians way of life changed forever with the arrival of the European colonists. Diseases were introduced to them as early as 1550 by European fisherman who stayed on the New England shores during the winter. The fisherman brought devastating illnesses which the Indians had little resistance to such as diphtheria, cholera, typhus, measles, and small pox. The coastal Indians were the first infected by these aliments and in turn, they spread them to the inland Indians. These diseases were ruinous and cost many Indians their lives. The Indians had their own customs and religions. They were introduced to the colonist’s religion, Protestant Christianity. They did not immediately take to the Puritan religion as the Indians took to Catholicism brought in by the Spaniards. They found it difficult to embrace a religion that taught that all but a few of them were damned to hellfire. Also, the Puritan or Anglican religion was complicated with English ways of eating, dressing, working, and looking at the world. The Indians that did embrace the Protestant religion were forced to adhere to the Protestant ways and abandoned their own. The Indian men were to farm and the women to weave, they lived in English houses and not wigwams, they were to barber their hair as the Puritans, and they were to stop using bear grease toward off mosquitoes. Racism was introduced to the Indians by the English colonists. Before the colonist’s arrival, they knew nothing of prejudice. Captives were adopted into the tribe, white prisoners as well as Indians born into another tribe. They were fully accepted as their brothers and sisters. Tribes would even raid other tribes and white settlements in order to increase their numbers. Extramarital miscegenation produced â€Å"half-breeds† which were consigned to the Indians. This was done in part because they were illegitimate, but mostly because of the consciousness of race that steadily grew in intensity in the colonial societies. The English referred to the Indians as savages because they were racially inferior. They abhorred their culture, morals, manners, and religion. They thought of all Indians as enemies. The Indians  were exposed to this narrow mindedness and bigotry which had been made by the colonist and so they learned of racism. The colonists assumed possession of lands that were vacated, like the site of Plymouth, on the justification of ancient legal principle that unoccupied land is anybody’s picking. The colonists did acknowledge the legal and moral rights of the tribes to own land they occupied and purchased what they could of it. The problem was that when the Indians sold land to the colonists, their understanding was that they were then willing to share their hunting grounds with them, just as they would with other tribes. They did not understand the concept of ownership. This was not a practice in which they had ever been exposed. This misunderstanding between the Indians and colonists caused wars between them which were inevitably won by the colonists. The Indians way of life was not suitable to live where the English lived due to the colonist’s agricultural ways. The Indians farmed by borrowing fields from the forest. They cultivated the soil for a few years and then moved elsewhere. The fields then reverted to hunting grounds. But the colonists did not allow this to happen. They destroyed the forests for hundreds of acres. They farmed these fields until the soil was depleted. Then they would turn the fields into pastures for their livestock. The livestock would renew the soil after several years. But during this time, the colonists would clear more hundreds of acres for their farming. This caused the flight of wildlife and game, which was vital to the Indians way of life. The Indians were anxious to trade with the colonists. They would trade furs for such things as beef, baubles, vessels, tools, iron tomahawks, woven wool blankets, liquor, and muskets. In order to trade with the Europeans, the Indians hunted and trapped for the hides of deer and the furs of other animals which the colonists wanted. Competition for furs between the tribes introduced a vicious kind of war between the Indians. The fur trade also resulted in the destruction of the ecological system of the area. Before fur trading with the Europeans, the tribes killed only moose, deer, beaver, and the other animals which were necessary and they had an immediate need. But with the need for more hides and furs, the Indians hunted until they had extinguished all the animals in their hunting grounds. The Indians then went into other tribes’ territories to hunt which in turn caused warfare between them. Another problem with trading with the colonists arose out of the Indians want of the liquor which the colonists provided. They took to the intoxicating effects of the liquor which in turn caused new problems within the tribes and with the people of the tribes. The colonist’s actions also caused another first for the Indians. The hanging of three Wampanoag’s at Plymouth for murdering Sassamon, a â€Å"praying Indian† caused the first pan-Indian attempt to preserve traditional culture. Metacomet, called King Phillip by the New Englanders, was the one to convince the other tribes to work together as he saw that the colonists with their ever increasing numbers were destroying the Indians way of life. Slavery was the involuntary capture of human beings who were sold and then owned by their masters. They were forced to work for their entire lives. Slaves had no personal rights and no hope of freedom. Slavery was first notable in the southern colonies. At first, colonists saw the indentured servants as better investments than spending money on the slaves. Later, they realized that the slaves seem to have a built up immunity to certain diseases such as malaria, which often killed the indentured servants in their care. The colonists came to see the slaves as an investment, worth the money for the outcome of a lifelong worker who could do manual labor, did not have to be replaced after a specific number of years of service, and also could assist in bearing children born into slavery which only would increase the master’s workforce. Eventually, all of the colonies became involved in owning slaves. Indentured servitude was an adaptation of the well established English means of training boys to be artisans and caring for orphans. Fathers would sign an indenture with a master of a craft. This bound the boy to the master for a period of years, usually seven years. In return for his labor, the master agreed to shelter, clothe, and feed his apprentice and teach him the craft. This institution of indentured servitude was also used to provide for orphans. Indentured servants were well suited for farmers who needed  laborers. People were recruited in England to sign indentures to work in the colonies as servants for an agreed number of years. In return for signing the indentures, the servant’s passage across the Atlantic was paid. Some servant’s were forced by English courts which sentenced convicts to transportation to the colonies. There they served out their sentences as bound servants. Unlike slaves, the indentured servants had personal rights. The term of the servitude was written down which varied from three to seven years. At the end of the agreed time, they were freed. They were given clothing, tools, a little money, and sometimes land.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Linguistic Devices Essay Example for Free

Linguistic Devices Essay Both Sun and Independent use linguistic devices. Both Sun and Independent are about the same subject about Clare Short, who is an ex-Cabinet Minister. Clare Short was accused of treachery; she was accused of leaking secrets about the UKs National Security. Both newspapers present the case against her in different ways. The Sun and Independent are reporting on Clare Shorts words according to Sun she was damaging the interest of the UK. In the Independent she was accused the blame about the Iraq war. The Suns headline is big and striking but in The Independent it is small and not as striking. The headline in The Sun had lots of premodifiers self-serving irresponsible discredited and bitter but on The Independent it rarely uses any. The tabloid used premodifiers in the title to show biased views unlike broadsheet newspaper, which shows different opinion to the audience. The Independent uses names in the title to identify who they are talking about. This is more informative. Both newspapers had pictures. Generally, The Sun had bigger pictures than The Independent. The Sun gives a big negative picture, which gives the audience a negative impression that she is guilty. On the other hand The Independent gives fairly good impression of Clare Short and as if she is explaining her thoughts. Tabloid only has a caption that shows a more one-sided approach, under fire where Clare Short has to defend herself. However in the Independent it has captions for Clare Short and Turnbull. This shows that the Independent is focusing on both sides of the argument. Independent uses informative rather than the accusation language of The Sun. When the Independent makes their point there is no naming people. The Sun uses slang and colloquial language to grab the readers attention. Sun also writes this to entertain the audience. Whilst in The Independent they use Standard English, their purpose is to inform and explain to the reader. The Sun avoids complex sentences so as not to confuse the reader whilst in Independent uses more complex sentences and punctuation to inform the reader. The Sun uses less complex vocabulary; however in Independent they use more complex vocabulary. The Independent uses complex vocabulary so that reader trusts newspapers because they sound sophisticated. The Sun manipulates readers opinion about Clare Short is negative by use of premodifiers like ranting, and angry. Sun gives a positive impression of Turnbull to the reader by not criticising Turnbull much. However in the Independent they are accusing Turnbull of giving a letter and threatening Clare Short. In The Sun the writer suggests that he says damaging the interest of the UK. This reinforces that it is relevant to the UK viewers. The Sun newspaper had a sidebar saying Page 3 ban doomed Clare Short failed to doom the Suns page. This strengthens readers feeling against Clare Short. This sidebar is only connected to the story because of Clare Short. In the Independent the sidebar was a letter from Sir A. Turnbull. This is additional information. The Independent uses Standard English. On the other hand The Sun uses colloquial language. An example of Standard English is there had been unease across Whitehall over the legality of the war without a second UN resolution. This is very easy to understand and avoids colloquial language. Examples of colloquial language are tore into and rock bottom. Those who enjoy reading tabloid newspapers find language easy and broadsheet readers are able to accept the formal language. In The Sun the writer quotes Jonathan Dimbleys questions rather than Clare Shorts answers. This is able to bias the readers opinion more, if they quote Clare Short less. However, The Independent uses long quotations from Clare Short. This gives the readers more freedom to decide their own opinion. Both newspapers use very different linguistic devices and different means of presentation to give the audience different opinions. The photographs are different; The Sun gives less attractive picture than the Independent.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Samsung Quality Issue Management

Samsung Quality Issue Management Harsh Yadav   REFLECTION SAMSUNG NOTE 7 (QUALITY ISSUE) Introduction Samsung is one of the leading technology giants around the globe encompassing numerous business sectors like electronics, construction, life insurance, etc. in its portfolio. With its headquarters in Seoul, Samsung Electronics, one the various affiliates of Samsung group has been able to retain highest market share (21% 23%) in smartphone business in the past couple years, beating its major competitor Apple by a huge margin of around 9% (International Data Corporation, 2016). On 19th August, 2016, Samsung released its latest smartphone model named Samsung Galaxy Note 7. Considering the success of its previous versions, Note 7 was supposed to be a major competition for its rival iPhone. Unfortunately, within 2 months of its release, Samsung had to discontinue its manufacturing in October 2016 due to some quality issues with its battery, as there were many cases reported where the battery suddenly caught fire. Impact It was a huge blow on Samsungs brand image as its latest smartphone release was facing major quality issues. This not only affected the companys reputation but also raised the fingers on its research and development department, which is known for its innovative designs. Moreover, this issue was putting the safety of the Note 7 customers at a huge risk. According to the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission, around 90 incidents of battery overheating were reported along with 55 incidents of property damage and 26 incidents of burns in the US, all due to Samsung Note 7 (Chen Sang-Hun, 2016). Samsungs next step For damage control, Samsung had to recall its 2.5 million released Note 7 handsets (Mozur Lee, 2016). In its official statement, Samsung requested the customers to get their devices replaced at nearest Samsung store for a safer Note 7 device. As it was the worst quarter of a year for Samsung in past few years, the replacement sets also started facing the same issues and the company had no other choice but to order for the second recall for all the available Note7 devices in the market, including the so called safer replacement devices. The company assigned two separate teams for investigating the root cause of the problem. Ultimately in October, 2016, Samsung officially discontinued producing Note 7 handsets, incurring a loss of around $17 billion in lost sales from its expected sales of around 19 million units (Carlon, 2016). Root Cause After this tremendous mishap, Samsung sent a report to KATS (Korean Agency for Technology and Standards) explaining the reasons for this quality control issue which was originally due to a defect in their Note 7 design (Hollister, 2016). In Lithium ion batteries used in smartphones, there is a thin plastic layer that separates the positive and negative poles which need to be insulated from each other in order to avoid short circuit causing overheating of the battery and eventually fire. The design of the phone was such that it was putting a lot of pressure on the battery which led the plastic layer to get punctured and hence the short circuit. This defect was revealed while revising the assembly process of the phone (Hollister, 2016), which had to be done for Quality Management purpose. This was the reason which didnt allow the companys corrective action of changing the Note 7s batteries and sending them as safer replacements, to succeed. Samsung refunded the customers and learned some lessons from this mistake and also made critical improvements in its quality control process. This had to be done to maintain customer relationship. One of the contributing factors for this quality failure was the time factor from triple constraints, as Samsung was in a rush to beat iPhone 7, which hampered the quality considerations in Note 7s design. This also forced the company to re-evaluate every process in its product development cycle (Kovach, 2016).Also, due to the time constraint only Samsung had to stop Note 7s production and concentrate on it next model, otherwise they could have found out the problem and correct it. References Carlon, K. (2016, October 11). Samsung permanently discontinues the Galaxy Note 7, $17 billion in sales lost. Retrieved February 19, 2017, from Chen, B. X., Sang-Hun, C. (2016, October 11). Why Samsung Abandoned Its Galaxy Note 7 Flagship Phone. Retrieved February 19, 2017, from New York Times: Hollister, S. (2016, October 10). Heres why Samsung Note 7 phones are catching fire. Retrieved February 19, 2017, from CNET: International Data Corporation. (2016, November 26). Smartphone Vendor Market Share, 2016 Q3. Retrieved February 19, 2017, from IDC: Kovach, S. (2016, November 5). Samsungs culture needs to change if it wants to survive. Retrieved February 19, 2017, from BusinessInsider: Mozur, P., Lee, S.-H. (2016, September 2). Samsung to Recall 2.5 Million Galaxy Note 7s Over Battery Fires. Retrieved February 19, 2017, from The New York Times:

Thursday, September 19, 2019

music :: essays research papers

Why do people walk down a busy city street ignoring others and not talking? Why are they ignorant to the homeless asking for change just to survive? And why do cross walk signs become life savers? I can tell you what’s wrong with these people, music. Music works wonders for anyone and everyone. There is no way around music. It is everywhere and playing at all times. From people blasting music with twelve inch subwoofers in their car driving past on the street to the proud parents of a newborn playing Beethoven and Mozart as it lies in its crib, you cannot avoid music.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Every since I was little I would listen to music. The first music I remember listening to is country. My grand pap and I would go fishing early in the morning and he would play country music for the two hour trip up to Pymatuming Lake then two hours back on the way home. I will not lie; his music put me asleep fast. After finding how soothing something music was, I would wake up for school and eat my cereal as I watch MTV or VH1. The songs would stick in my head and I would sing them all day long. I also realized that I was more awake during school.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Now that I am older I still do that same routine. I wake up and listen to music and walk out the door with a smile on my face and a rhythm to sooth my mind. As I am typing this paper I am also listening to music. It has engulfed and made a huge impacted on my life at different periods. At times I would be down and out I will listen to soft music and take a drive on windy roads in the woods. When my friends and I go out we will listen to anything from The Temptations to the newest rap and pop songs. In high school I use to play baseball. Every bus ride to the opponent’s field, I would listen to loud rock music and rap music. After thirty minutes of music, my adrenaline would be rushing and yet I would be relaxed at the same time. I would take infield practice and think of beats and lyrics in my head as caught the baseball. The beats and lyrics were so automatic that catching and fielding the baseball would become automatic too.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Right to Own a Gun Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Essays

The Right to Own a Gun   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Are you willing to sit back and become a victim of violent crime or allow the government to tamper with your civil liberties? In recent years, anti-gun politicians have attempted to control guns in the name of crime prevention this is an assault on the Second Amendment rights of US citizens . The Second Amendment states, â€Å" A well regulated Militia being necessary to the Security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.† Not only did our Founding Fathers focus their debate on the right of people to keep and bear arms, they devoted energy to encouraging future generations to defend theses freedoms. In defense of gun ownership, Alexander Hamilton said, â€Å"If circumstances should at any time oblige the government to form an army of any magnitude, that army can never be formidable to the liberties of the people while there is a large body of citizens, little if at all inferior to them in discipline and the use of arms, who stand ready to defend their rights and those of their fellow citizens.† During our country’s development hundreds of law-abiding citizens were able to take up arms against lawless mobs to defend themselves, their family, their homes, and their businesses. They did the job law enforcement simply could not do. Lives were saved. Robberies were prevented. Homes and businesses were defended and left intact, all thanks to the Second Amendment to our constitutional, the right to keep and bear arms. Americans have made it clear they reject most government intrusions on their basic civil rights, including the right of gun ownership. According to an April 18, 1994 study by Penn and Schoen Associates, Inc. as many as 85 percent of American adults said they are unwilling to forfeit basic civil liberties even if it could enhance their personal safety. 75 percent agreed that police and the justice systems couldn’t protect them; people said they have to take more responsibility for safeguarding themselves. 62 percent said the need for personal guns ownership is increasing, and a majority is unwilling to accept laws that restrict gun ownership greatly. Guns, Crime, and Freedom states that, no gun law which restricts the right of law-abiding citizens to own guns has been proven to reduce crime or homicides, not even the Brady Law and the â€Å"Clinton Crime Bill.† These two laws st... ...f federal law enforcement agencies did their jobs with respect to guns and convicted violent felons using only GCA’68, as reformed, gun control would not be an issue and we would be a long way toward solving the violent crime problem. We would be getting criminals off the streets and into jail. Americans want violent criminals off the streets and out of their neighborhoods. The bottom line is Americans are upset about crime and soundly reject government solutions that infringe on their rights and liberties.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ultimately, it is a person’s choice to use firearms to commit violent crimes. So criminals should be controlled, not the guns which they share with millions of law-abiding citizens. Gun control supporters claim that gun control lowers crime rate. We as people need to take a stand and fight for our Second Amendment and the right to bear arms. Gun control advocates need to realize that passing laws that honest gun owners will not obey is a self-defeating strategy. Gun owners are not about to surrender their liberties or their right to bear arms. The Federal Govement of the United States should not be able to take away the right of law-abiding citizens to own a gun.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Corporate Social Responsability for Supermarkets

This essay will introduce analysis of the UK supermarket sector and its impacts on a wide range of stakeholders . The responsibility for buying and selling is rapidly shifting. In today’s rising global community, supermarkets have embraced corporate social responsibility as an important element of their original role in contributing to shared goals, however in addition it enhances their capacity to the base line. In addition, trade seeks to establish their own values of corporate individuality while at the same time maintain public and ecological values and increase their market growth.Corporate social responsibility of supermarkets can mean different things to different groups and sectors. However there is universal agreement that in a global market system, supermarkets must play great role by creating jobs. By acting in responsible manner corporation must facilitate sustainable growth. (Deal, 1999) As a result, corporate performance must not just guarantee returns to shareho lders, wages to employees, plus goods and services to shoppers, thus must also accommodate the ecological concerns and values of consumers.An explanation of food provenance chart as an example of the influence of CSR, is provided below showing the difference in consumer choice in different ranks in UK supermarkets. In order to demonstrate importance of the CSR: % Factors in food and drink purchases, by rank, December 2007 Food provenance-UK- March 2008- What do Shoppers Consider Most important? The findings of this line graph, shows the consumer interest in home grown British food rather than foreign origin product.The supermarket structured business procedures and the environmental campaigns, to support British produce are the key reasons for this. This report also demonstrates the market repose to a consumer demand for particular products by offering quality food and drinks. UK leading supermarkets as well as corporations require to supervise corporate social responsibility as any other part of their food sales. Supermarkets are faced by means of a triple bottom line, to advance inexpensively, as well as being environmentally plus equally accountable.The growth of sales in social and financial growth is likely to continue. (Freedman, 2000) Why must supermarket be socially responsible? The initial part of the Roundtable focused on the query of how to describe what a socially responsible corporation is, and what a supermarkets does to be measured socially responsible. Even before to answer that question, a few people may ask, why a corporation have to be considering this subject? The reply is tied to globalisation. Globalisation is not just regarding the world nations, it is the consequence on appearance of a global civil society. Giddens, 1998) The world has been transformed due to globalisation, plus by the prosperity of this the environment in supermarkets. Solutions to consumer problems were to be established inside the free market structure and trade. The shopper’s influence on UK supermarkets in food factors at the different societies measured by ranks in 2007, can be seen in the chart below: % Factors in food and drink purchases, by rank, December 2007 The UK survey in 2007 sought to address what is important to customers when they choose foods. To make very clear customer preference, all food ranks has been used for this column table.Regards consumer perceptions of food, most of shoppers are willing to pay 10% more for British origin, organic or any other quality food, compare to conventional food (Wealtherel, 2003) The food industry faces many significant risks from public criticism of corporate social responsibility issues in the supply chain. Private standards initiative abound in food chains as retailers and brands seek to minimise the risks and also respond to new demands from society. The representation of a new form of regulation, which raises questions regarding domination in the UK supermarkets.Supermarkets have a tendency to maximise profits and concentrate on all concerns of consumer benefit, the interests of all consumers required to be considered in today’s UK supermarket systems. Globalisation has changed the inner power relations border by and inside supermarkets, and in the community as a whole. At the same time, in the late 1980s, the disagreement on corporate governance assembled power in the United States and in the United Kingdom, mainly in reply to corporate crush, corporate invaders and destabilised along, with aining as well as trade deception and dishonesty. Globalisation and the souk were placed an influence in the hands of the classified sector, however public disbelieve in the consistency and honesty of corporations was well-known and widespread. Concerns of responsibility, standard setting, plus globalism were core to the debate.It became obvious that supermarkets might no longer supervise the consequences of their trade, just by paying taxes and comply with nationa l rules. They are likely to take on better responsibilities for supervising their contact on community. Joseph, 2000) Trade itself in a course of development, practices and performance to convene the original anticipations of communities and community on it. At the same time as technological forces will carry on to force supermarkets to be internationally incorporated, law-making and shopper demand requires to be much further in the consumer field, and behave as a socially responsible company, therefore is becoming ever more challenging for supermarkets. A difficulty and the challenge for remaining markets with the regulations of CSR, in UK and abroad.Augmented public interest affects the method in which companies endorse their proposals. Policies that insist on corporation positive and politically right standards, such as hiring a public minorities or buying goods as of a precise basis, at times be undermining to its productivity and advantage of products. Usually profit-seeking su permarkets through demanding presentation should in addition to confront the shoppers. Deciding on which advance to take, is exclusive to each supermarket and depends on the trade distribution in which the business is situated.Redefining administration roles in the supermarket itself is not an option, however a need. Businesses will require to adjust and create a novel organisational representation for the 21st century. They require to develop efficiency in management, and apparent domination processes all through their organisation. (OECD, 2000) Socially liable supermarkets have to employ their workers worldwide in a business dream and mission declaration that promotes sustainable and enhanced excellence of life for all countries, for all workers, despite of their location.Becoming a global consistency is publicly reasonable and not just a public relations matter. Supermarkets are taking on the challenge by engaging as much as a possible with shopper, in addition to be able to have a positive impact on public relations and support by other sectors of community. Therefore, even though corporate social responsibility adjustments made by government in both the UK and Europe, supermarket trades still have to be concerned. Governments require to produce a strategy to structure whatever the trade and labour can negotiate situations in supermarkets.This requires a variety of legislative methods to be implemented in the country. It is obvious that there cannot be a, one measurement fits all, advance and assurance in trade behaviour, however there is a universal accord that there is a requirement for clarity of strategy and principles. In addition to the codes of conduct that an approved method is definitely wishes to be recognized in this region, so that social achievement plans can be developed plus social action have to become the standard.Developing finest practices for corporate behaviour will not ensue straight away, however by sticking to essential values, as a minimum move in the similar course in the direction of becoming a liable social related. (Oecd, 2000) The food industry faces many significant risks from public criticism of corporate social responsibility (CSR) issues in the supply chain. This paper draws upon previous research and emerging industry trends to develop a comprehensive framework of supply chain CSR in the industry.The framework details unique CSR applications in the food supply chain including animal welfare, biotechnology, environment, fair trade, health and safety, and labour and human rights. General supply chain CSR issues such as community and procurement are also considered. Ultimately, the framework serves as a comprehensive tool to support food industry practitioners and researchers in the assessment of strategic and operational supply chain CSR practices.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Five Myths about Immigration Essay

Author David Cole explains in â€Å"Five Myths about Immigration† that people are misinformed about immigrants in America and blame them for all the problems in the American society. Cole comments that the â€Å"Native Americans†, which have nothing to do with what we call Native Americans today, were labeled as â€Å"Know-Nothings† because they simply did not know anything about immigrants and prejudged immigrants who came into the country. The author quotes one â€Å"Know-Nothing† for saying that â€Å"more than half the prisons and almshouses, more than half the police and the cost of administering criminal justice are for foreigners.† In the 1860s, immigrants arrived from Ireland and Germany causing â€Å"anti-alien and anti-Catholic sentiments† to appear in states such as Massachusetts and New York. Cole takes this topic to heart because his ancestors were among the â€Å"dirt-poor Irish-Catholics† who moved to America in the 1960s but were fortunate because after fifteen years the prejudice faded away. Now, 140 years later, the author points out that a similar prejudice has returned with the exception that the focus has changed from â€Å"Irish Catholics and Germans† to â€Å"Latin Americans (most recently, Cubans), Haitians, and Arab-Americans.† Cole explains how five commonly held beliefs regarding immigrants to the United States, are in reality â€Å"myths.† Cole’s first misunderstanding â€Å"myth† is that â€Å"America is being overrun with immigrants.† America is a â€Å"nation of immigrants†, which has been true since Christopher Columbus landed in this country. Although most Americans believe that foreign-born people make up a large population of the United States, Cole notes that only eight percent of immigrants fall in this category. In fact, â€Å"between seventy and eighty percent† of those who immigrate each year are â€Å"refugees and immediate relatives of U.S. citizens.† In addition, immigrants living in the United States only make up one percent of the country’s population. â€Å"Most aliens do not cross the border illegally,† emphasizes Cole, â€Å"but enter legally and remain after their student of visitor visa expires.† Cole’s second â€Å"myth† is a misjudgment that â€Å"Immigrants take jobs from U.S. citizens.† This is a common misunderstanding Americans have about immigrants. It is easier for a person to point out that jobs are being taken away from U.S. citizens, Cole argues, than to admit that immigrants have  indeed started successful business employing both citizens and immigrants alike. As documented by a 1994 A.C.L.U Immigrants’ Rights Project report, various studies prove that immigrants â€Å"create more jobs than they fill.† Cole mentions a study that found 78,000 new jobs were created in the Los Angeles County between 1970 and 1980 because of Mexican immigration. Cole comments how Governor Mario Cuomo of New York announced immigrants have provided thousands of jobs from 40,000 immigrant owned companies which provided â€Å"$3.5 billion to the state’s economy every year.† Cole’s third â€Å"myth† includes the belief that â€Å"Immigrants are a drain on society’s resources.† Cole mentions that Americans feel immigrants should not receive government benefits, but according to a 1994 Urban Institute report, â€Å"immigrants generate significantly more in taxes paid than they cost in services received.† Studies demonstrate that taxes go to the federal government, states Cole, but when the â€Å"state and federal money† is distributed, the figures show no evidence about the cost of immigrants. The United States loses money on immigrants who recently moved to the county because they have not yet â€Å"made it.† For this reason, the author affirms that immigrants are a big advantage to the economy . Social programs are unavailable to undocumented immigrants, expresses Cole, but are granted rights to benefits of medical and nutritional care and education for children. Eliminating health care would â€Å"cost u s more in the long run,† explains Cole. Cole’s fourth â€Å"myth† involves he misconception that â€Å"Aliens refuse to assimilate, and are depriving us of our cultural and political unity.† Throughout history, immigrants have developed and created the â€Å"American culture† into what it is today, comments Cole. He quotes Supreme Court Justice Stephen Field for writing in 1984 that the Chinese â€Å"have remained among us a separate people, retaining their original peculiarities of dress, manners, habits, and modes of living, which are as marked as their complexion and language.† After five years, Field supported his remarks towards Chinese immigrants. Our society pressures immigrants to adapt to American culture, exerts Cole. For this reason, Cole raises the question is it ethical to â€Å"limit immigrants in a society† that is built upon the culture  of past immigrants? Cole’s final â€Å"myth† is â€Å"Noncitizen immigrants are not entitled to constitutional rights.† The Bill of Rights protects all people, Cole contends, only reserving for citizens the right to vote and run for a federal office position. In contrast, immigrants are still treated less than a U.S. citizen because they are foreigners. Cole points out that in 1893, the executive branch required Chinese laborers to prove their residency in the United States by the testimony of â€Å"at least one credible white witness† simply because â€Å"nonwhites could not be trusted.† Cole is handling a pending case in the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit that has the Clinton Administration arguing that legal immigrants living in the country should have no more First Amendment Rights than first-time immigrants coming into the United States â€Å"-that is, none.† Cole explains in an example that a non-citizen can be deported for expressing themselves th e same way as a citizen is allowed to. In conclusion, Cole acknowledges a quote that he was taught: â€Å"we will be judged by how we treat others.† By this standard, Cole goes on to explain that if we keep treating immigrants the way that we do right now, â€Å"we are not in very good shape.†

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Policies and Practices at Wal-Mart Essay

Think about Wal-Mart and think about the biggest and most successful chain of department stores in the United States. Think about Wal-Mart and think about a multi-billion dollar company which just continues to expand. Now think about working for this company. Initially you might think about the great opportunity and promise to work for a solid company. But, if you are not a white male, think again.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Wal-Mart gets sued a lot. Back in 2002, Wal-Mart received over six thousand lawsuits (Daniels, 2003). Today the company is facing the largest civil rights class action lawsuit, the Dukes vs. Wal-Mart Inc. The Dukes vs. Wal-Mart Inc is a sex-discrimination lawsuit filed by Ms. Betty Dukes. According to Ms. Dukes, her employer denied her the chance of progressing to the upper echelon of the company she works for. Now what we have before us is an ongoing circus between 2 million women who are currently working or used to work at Wal-Mart and the Wal-Mart company.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The United States government has an agency which prosecutes any work related discrimination act. It is called the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or EEOC. EEOC was established to ensure that every person has an equal opportunity to be hired and employed and that no form of discrimination will be done against them. EEOC laws protect the employees as early as during the application stage.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As I have stated above, it is just normal for Wal-Mart to be sued a lot. The reason is maybe because discriminatory practices exist here. Let us study what the law states and compare it with what is really going on inside Wal-Mart. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Title VII of the Civil Rights of Act of 1964 commonly known as Title VII protects employees at being discriminated based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin.   If an employer employs fifteen or more individuals, that company covered by Title VII. It is not only intentional discriminations that is prohibited but any practice which has the effect of discriminating against individuals is under Title VII (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 2004). The U.S. EEOC is in charge of enforcing this law. The question now is what is the practice in Wal-Mart. Is this law enforced strictly or is Wal-Mart disregarding this act?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Back to Ms. Dukes, she filed a lawsuit against Wal-Mart because she claims that Wal-Mart did not gave her a chance to move to the next higher job position because she is a female (Pikul, 2004). With what Ms. Dukes is claiming, this is clearly showing that sex-discrimination is widespread at Wal-Mart and this is definitely unacceptable. Since there are many other complaints just like this, the court has allowed the largest class action discrimination case against Wal-Mart. Equal Pay Act   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Under the Equal Pay Act, there should be no difference in wage based on the sex of the employee. Men and women who basically have the same job position and skill level should be paid equally. This act further states that employers cannot reduce wages of either sex for the sake of equalizing the wage between men and women (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 2004).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In a Sam’s Club in Riverside California, Ms. Stephane Odle working as an assistant manager found a W-2 form lying around the office. The W-2 was owned by her male college which also happens to be an assistant manager just like her. She discovered that her male counterpart was earning some thousand of dollars more than her (Daniels, 2003). Again, another act of dishonesty on the part of Wal-Mart. The company made a fool out of Ms. Odle and made a mockery of the act enforced by the EEOC. Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 is aimed to protect women from discrimination they may incur on the basis of pregnancy and childbirth. Women who are pregnant or feeling any related conditions should be treated the same way as other regular applicants or employees (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 2004). Another act violated by Wal-Mart in which a settlement has been made. In November 1991, a female applicant was denied to be hired because she was pregnant at that time. The EEOC on behalf of Miss Jamey Stern filed a case against Wal-Mart. The settlement cost Wal-Mart $200,000 in damages done to Ms. Stern. There is no smoke if there isn’t any fire. Wal-Mart is certainly guilty of discrimination on their female workers and the minority. They are not only culpable to their workers but also to what the law states. The sheer number of lawsuits being filed against Wal-Mart clearly shows that this company has a big problem. It is never too late for the company to correct its wrong doings against their employees. Eradication of discrimination at work is a process that is why it is imperative that they act now. Instead of being the leaders in discrimination, they should set an example to all other companies, huge or small, that there is no place for discrimination in the work place. References Daniels, C. (2003, July 21). Women vs. Wal-Mart. How the retailer reconcile its storied culture with the anger of these female workers? Retrieved March 11, 2007 from Pikul, C. (2004, November 22). Women vs. Wal-Mart. Retrieved March 14, 2008 from U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (2004). APA style: Electronic references. Retrieved March 12, 2008, from

Saturday, September 14, 2019

45 and 47 Stella Street and Everything that Happened

The children's novel '45 and 47 Stella Street and everything that happened' (Honey, 1995) written by Elizabeth Honey is a novel aimed at pre-adolescent girls. However in saying that boys around the same age would also find this book enjoyable. The story Is told from the perspective of Hinni who Is an 11 year old girl. It Is about her and her ‘Gang, which includes her best friend Zev, Her sister Danielle and Frank, Zev's 6- year-old next-door neighbour who resides at 47 Stella Street.The book tells of their efforts to expose the â€Å"Phonies† and their secret life. It Is evident through analysis of he book that there are sly Implications toward enforcing the concepts of mascullnlty and femininity on young readers using the strategies of narrative theory. Narrative theory consists of three key strategies, the point of vlew/focallsatlon, reader positioning and closure. The point of view or focalisation Is always biased. When watching a film or reading a book you are always watching or reading it from someone or something's perspective.In Stella Street it is Henni who is telling us what is happening, you only see things from her perspective and therefore you tend to ide with her. Reader positioning is very important and very similar to that of point of view and focalisation. Readers or viewers are positioned so that they have a positive response toward some characters and a negative response toward others even though both parties may be both in the wrong on some occasions. The readers of 45 and 47 Stella Street are positioned so that they hope for the Stella Street's gang to succeed over the Phonies.Closure is how the story concludes, who ends up succeeding in the end and who doesn't. Once again in 45 and 47 Stella Street it is the Stella Street gang who triumph over the Phonies. It is evident that the men in 45 and 47 Stella Street hold masculine qualities whilst the women hold feminine traits. In terms of power it is the men that hold this control a s decision making is all about power and throughout the book it is apparent that the men make majority of the decisions.For example it is ZeVs father that makes the Initial decision to move to New Zealand. When Rob and Donna are having trouble with Briquette escaping from the yard it is Rob who decides that they will do nothing† and when the gang are coming up with ideas on how to tackle a problem it seems as though at the end of the deliberation all members of the gang seek Zev's agreement or approval. The male figures also seem to come up with the good Ideas or ask relevant questions more so that the female characters.Throughout the book there are a number of characters that come and go that hold a form of power. For Instance the lawyers, Robert Smeeton, Mr J. D Perry, the Ombudsman Robert Cooper and Detective Sergeant Dave Watson are all very powerful In the positions they hold within society. From this you can see that a female represents none of these highly powerful char acters. I ne 000K Is Tocallsea tnrougn Hennl, sne explalns to readers wnat t I Is sne Ilkes ana what she doesn't like.Everything that she sees happening she interprets and it is all told from her perspective. In one particular part of the novel Henni is explaining how Donna has put up with numerous changes with the building, design and cost of the new fence that is to be erected between 45 and 47 Stella Street. Henni makes the statement that, â€Å"Donna never lost her temper. That's probably how she got the Job he has. She never loses her temper. Rob would have told the Phonies to take a long walk off a short pier. Mum would have gone quiet.She Just buttons up. Dad would have lost his temper, for sure, and called them inconsiderate pea brains. But not Donna. She Just keeps on keeping on. † (Honey, E 1995, pp 38) The way in which the characters mentioned compose themselves is interesting. Traditional gender roles cast men as rational, strong, protective and decisive, whilst o n the other hand women are cast as emotional, irrational, weak, nurturing and submissive. Within the tatement that Henni makes it is evident that parts of the traditional gender roles exist.For example the way in which Henni's mum would have gone quiet illustrates a form of sumbissiveness. In Stella Street there is not a particularly strong sense of patriarchy. However there is some evidence of Patriarchy in some sections of the book for example when they are building the fence between 45 and 47 Stella Street Mr Nic and Zev carry the old posts to Henni's dad who is on the footpath cutting them up with a chainsaw. Danielle and Frank do the running around and fetching of stuff and there is no ention as to what the others are doing.The males are very affirmative and this is shown by Henni's dad and the way in which he says â€Å"right† she knows by the way in which he says it that something is going to happen there's no questioning or buts. The females show their more conservati ve side especially Donna with the way in which she potters around her gardens before she has to go to work. Elizabeth Honey has used strategies of narrative theory throughout her book 45 and 47 Stella Street. Many young readers would not be aware of the ideologies implied hrough this book.

Article Analysis for Organizational and Citizenship Behavior

This paper looks at organizational aspects and workplace relations, which can be, used in   developing commitment and enabling a setting that enhances   the innovative behavior of nurses who are working within the Australian health care system. It also provides an insight into the link between different factors and their influence on enabling employees to have organizational commitment and innovative behavior (Brunetto & Xerri 2013). The Australian healthcare system is being affected by a shortage of nurses. Nurses are leaving the profession due to different issues and there is a problem of retention across a number of Australian hospitals. Many wards in the public and private healthcare institutions are being forced into closure due to the shortage of nurses. It is therefore in the best interest of healthcare organizations to delve into the issues that affect nurses such that they cannot maintain their commitment. When effective relationships in the work place are made, the organization gets a number of benefits as successful relations amongst staff at different levels in the organization results in   sharing of information and trust hence making employees feel empowered and they also embrace accountability (Brunetto & Xerri 2013).This enables them to perform their roles in an efficient and effective manner. The authors provide an insight into how hospitals are able to enhance efficiency of nurses. They conclude that relationships which are social can be used to improve the innovative actions of nurses. Hospitals must therefore ensure that nurses are attached emotionally to healthcare institutions and that they have enough social relationships in the workplace that will enable them to get knowledge, information and resources that will support the innovative process (Brunetto & Xerri 2013).   Brunetto, Y. and Xerri, M.J, 2013. Fostering innovative behaviour: The importance of employee commitment and organisational citizenship behaviour.  The International Journal of Human Resource Management ,  24(16), pp.3163-3177. Looking for an answer 'who will do my essay for cheap',

Friday, September 13, 2019

Media, Culture, and Modernity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Media, Culture, and Modernity - Essay Example And, there is a proportion among filmmakers who bring these situations and incidents into a cinematic form, replicating exactly or using a fictionalized version of the real life happenings. These attempts by the filmmaker to ‘picturize’ the real life happenings, always comes loaded with fetes and critics. More than fetes, these attempts to create real life inspired works will always receive criticisms from various quarters. Some times, these criticisms will be done in an organized or in a logical way using theories formulated by great thinkers. That is, based on the set theories, film or any other work of art can be analyzed, praised and criticized. As times moves on, new theories are expounded by various thinkers relating to a specific field. As these new theories, brings in new ideas or concepts, moving away from existing theories and relating to the current times, it will have the Modernist touches. So, the term Post Modernism or Post Modern theories are applied when wide-ranging set of developments takes place in line with the changing times, in different fields initiated by various thinkers, giving rise to theories in the field of philosophy, art, literature, culture, importantly critical theory, etc. The field of critical theory is a widespread one with any human activity comin g under it. But, the main concept is, the activity will be viewed from a critical angle most of the times. Among the many human activities and the existing theories related to it, theories particular to â€Å"half of humans† has evolved and is evolving even now. â€Å"Half of humans† are the female component of the population and theories specific to them have evolved in earlier times, and are forming or modifying now also with the modernist perspective. So, according to the current times, theories relating to females or feminist theories have formed imbuing the current or advanced concepts. Thus, feminist theories have also attained the modernist touch

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Strategic management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1

Strategic management - Essay Example Aims of an organization. The way by which an organization can serve its clients, suppliers, distributers, shareholders and other stakeholders. Present organization’s situation in terms of explaining their business segment. It can include the declaration of organization’s core purpose of existing. Sense of Mission Sense of Mission creates a strong behaviour among the individuals so that they can fulfil their Mission of life. Creating the â€Å"Sense of Mission† is not creating the purpose only but it helps to achieve the purpose. â€Å"Sense of Mission† is a very important marketing principle. It states that an organization must define its mission in such a way that it should not only focus on their product and profit. They should focus on the broader social concept rather than the mere product orientation. The new generation managers are trained with a sense of social responsibility and they have a passion for achieving of bigger causes. Corporate Social R esponsibility Every organization has some obligations towards its society in which it operates. Every organization should take some initiatives to work for the environment. CSR is the contribution of an organization to the society. Corporate Social responsibility means sustaining the equilibrium between economic welfare of the organization with the social welfare. The trade off between two components can provide a balance sustainable growth for the organization. Many companies are engaged in serving the society through their corporate social responsibility. Following ethics and serving responsibility towards its society is an important part of the today’s business. For this analysis, Pepsi-Co organization has been chosen. Pepsi Co Ins. Is a multinational food and beverage company headquarter is in New York, USA. They are in the manufacturing, distribution and marketing of food items and beverages and other products also. PepsiCo started its business after the merger of Pepsi- Coca and Frito-Lay. Now PepsiCo has expanded their business in many dimensions. In 2012, Pepsi-Co was able to generate more than $1 billion of retail sales. PepsiCo is the second largest food and beverage company in the World. The Mission of Pepsi-Co is to be the World’s premier consumer products in foods and beverages. Their Mission is to serve financial benefits to its investors, the opportunities for growth to their employees, business partners, other stakeholders and the society in which they operate. They want to achieve this mission in the right ethical way with honesty and transparency. PepsiCo has a strong sense of mission also. Their sense of mission states that they are not focusing on the product orientation, they focus on Customer orientation. They emphasise on satisfaction of the customers. The focus of achievement is very strong. Not only the customization but also they believe that serving customers consistently and efficiently can create a stable customer rela tionship management. Retaining customers sometimes causes a conflict between its short term objectives. Pepsi-Co‘s sense of mission says that they are not in the business for profit purpose only but their goal is to serve people (Randall, 2008, p.45). Objectives including CSR: Pepsi-Co supports continual growth of shareholders. Their objective is to use best class design for packaging. Meets value, cost and performance criteria for customer satisfaction. Maintaining hygiene standards. Strives for least environmental footprint. Pepsi-Co strives for

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Cultural Aspects of Moving to Japan Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Kelly's Assignment in Japan - Case Study Example Based on the information given in the case study there could be identified several clashes in cultural customs and expectations. The first clash in cultural customs and expectations has occurred when Kelly and her family arrived in Tokyo and saw their new apartment. Despite a high rent price, their new apartment was very tiny that they could hardly move fit in their personal belongings. This was the first big disappointment for the whole family. The second clash in culture customs has occurred when Kelly exchanged the handshake greetings with Japanese colleagues. In Japan bowing and presenting business cards are absolutely appropriate and expected forms of greeting. Moreover, the formalized exchange of business cards is the whole ritual in Japan, called â€Å"the meishi† (Gesteland, 2005). A handshake is appropriate for Europeans and Americans, but not for Japanese (Reisinger, 2009). The Japanese bow is an important aspect of non-verbal communication, which represents respect, personal humility and social harmony (Nixon & West, 1995). The fact that the new boss was a foreigner, and more importantly a woman was another serious clash in cultural customs, as in such culture as in Japan with high masculinity index, woman-boss and foreigner is a foremost difference (Solomon & Schell, 2009; Yoshida, Yashiro, and Suzuki, 2013). Another clash has occurred when Kelly asked the teams to prepare presentations. The Japanese were reluctant to preparing it as they perceived that group commitment was required for it. This behavior can be explained by differences in context orientation, as Americans have individualistic orientation, while Japanese – group orientation (Reisinger, 2009).  

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Van den Bosch Sends an E-Mail Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Van den Bosch Sends an E-Mail - Case Study Example From the research it can be comprehended that Johannes Van den Bosch had become impatient with Pablo Menendez’s lack of response to his inquiries; following the abusive confrontation by the firm’s British client, Smythe-Jones, Van den Bosch needed a response. He sent the email because he hoped that it would provoke some response from Menendez, who had not responded to his earlier emails regarding the IAS financial statements of the Mexican subsidiary. Johannes wanted Menendez to know the urgency of this financial statements. The email was also written in such a way that would show Menendez the level of frustration that the delay caused the client, and how this trickled down to Johannes and his office. The email would therefore ensure that: Johannes got a reply from Menendez regarding the steps that had to be taken in order to finalize the Mexican subsidiary’s IAS financials; he got the name(s) of the person that would do the financials, either the local managemen t, B&FF Mexico, client headquarters, or B&FF Rotterdam; he got a time table that outlined the timeframe within which these financials would be done, a brief overview why the preparation of IAS financial statements are delayed, and also any other reports for 2007 that were pending. In addition to the financials, Johannes also wanted Menendez to be updating him on the status every week, and a timely report of any major problems that arose.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Ancient Egypt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ancient Egypt - Essay Example According to the ancient Egyptians beliefs, the pharaoh was a great person who represented half-god and half-man. The pharaoh was the middle man between the ordinary Egyptian and the gods. To them, the pharaoh’s spirit was eternal and he or she could live forever. The pharaohs ruled over ancient Egypt for thousands of years and they consisted of both men and women. Among the various Pharaohs that ruled ancient Egypt was Cleopatra VII who was the last pharaoh and an historical queen. She is fondly revered for her beauty and relationships to two roman rulers; Julius Caesar and Mark Antony. Cleopatra VII full name was Cleopatra VII Philopator. She was ancient Egypt’s last pharaoh who got survived only shortly by his son Caesarion. She belonged to the Ptolemaic dynasty. The Ptolemaic dynasty was a family that has Greek origins and got to rule Ptolemaic Egypt. The Ptolemaic dynasty saw its rulers refuse to speak Egyptian by speaking Greek. Cleopatra, however, learnt to speak Egyptian and she became viewed as a reincarnation of the Egyptian goddess called Isis (Grant, 2011). Her initial rule of ancient Egypt saw her rule alongside her father and later her brothers. Later, she took control of the throne solely. As per ancient Egyptian custom, she got married to her brother Ptolemy XIV. Cleopatra is known for solidifying her rule by partnering with roman ruler Julius Caesar. Cleopatra’s rule of ancient Egypt gets much fascination due to her ability to charm the most powerful men in the world at the time. She had relationships with both Mark Antony and Julius C aesar. Her beauty and aesthetic appeal gets revealed through her ability to charm both this leaders in quick succession. Cleopatra’s ascendancy to power came on the backdrop of an uprising that saw the Ptolemy Dynasty capture power with the help of roman support. She became the deputy to her father Ptolemy XII at the age of 14. Her

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Forecasts of Demand Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Forecasts of Demand - Assignment Example So, how do companies prepare for growth while still acknowledging that this forecast might not materialise? How do these estimates, which are a rough estimate of the actual demand or sometimes the mirror image of the market conditions, affect human resource, capacity, and the supply-chain management? How does this forecast influence the flexibility of these three important factors in manufacturing whether weekly, monthly or annually? The paper discusses the role of Operations Management, its framework and concepts while developing an appreciation for the operational processes, techniques, planning, and control systems. It also demonstrates the application of appropriate measures and the techniques for planning and production control. It is further classified under the three items for discussion for precision and clarity. According to the U.S. Census Bureau and the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the residential statistics for June 2013 showed that privately-owned housing units were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 911,000. This was 7.5% below the May rate of 985,000 but stood at 16.1% above the June 2012 estimate of 78500. The single-family authorisations were at 624,000, which was a 1.2 percent increase from the 620,000 in May. The industry is a replica of other organisations in terms of the forecasts from previous years to current times, and from current years to the future. In Ontario Canada, the houses were trending at 184,514 units in June compared to 184,087 in May. This is according to statistics from the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). According to Mathieu Laberge, the Deputy Chief Economist at CMHC, they use this trend to measure as a complement to the monthly SAAR of housing to account for considerable swings in monthly estimates and obtain a more comple te picture of the state of the housing market. In some situations, however, Mathieu acknowledges that the data or projections

Saturday, September 7, 2019

International Tourism Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

International Tourism Development - Essay Example Advancing tourism activities for the Silk Road Countries United Nations World Tourism Organization took some initiatives for advancement of the tourism activities for each and every Silk Road Country. There are 24 global countries that participated in this particular tourism project in order to accomplish the task quite successfully (ADB, 2013, p.1). It is highly important for the organization to consider effective and sustainable tourism activities in the Silk Road countries in order to achieve the objective of the project. According to the process and objectives of this project, each and every associated country needs to work towards a Single Visa of Silk Road. The United Nations World Tourism Organization is trying to bring several countries of the ancient Silk Route to ensure development and growth through sustainable tourism activities. According to Maslow’s theory of development there are 5 stages of basic needs which have been described in the diagram below: It is clear from the above diagram the 5 stages of development are physiological, safety, love/belonging, esteem and self-actualization. Sustainable tourism can play a major role in upgrading the status of the people along the hierarchy. Tourism will stimulate demand and people will shift upwards along the hierarchy model. The people at the grass root are at the physiological part of the hierarchy diagram. Effective implementation of the tourism policies will shift these people up along the hierarchy model and will enhance their development in terms of wealth creation and social recognition. There are different types of tourism, such as food tourism, cultural... This essay stresses that it is true that global tourism industry is one of the major growth drivers of the global economy. Several leading organizations within the industry are trying to implement sustainable business operation strategies in the business processes in order to achieve significant social and cultural growth. It has been discussed earlier that the objective of this project is to encourage and stimulate the quality tourism development through healthy competitiveness between different Silk Road cities. United Nations World Tourism Organization took some initiatives for advancement of the tourism activities for each and every Silk Road Country. This paper makes a conclusion that Silk Road Programme is one of the important and popular sustainable tourism project initiated by The United Nations World Tourism Organization. The organization always tries to develop and implement unique business operation strategies to maintain effective growth rate of the industry. It is true that the tourism industry is known as one of the most important economic growth drivers. In addition to this, several other factors motivating people to visit several popular countries around the globe. People around the globe used to visit this country in order to experience the taste of delicious food items. The organization is trying to build a sustainable network through the Silk Road Countries in order to make the places more attractive and healthy among the global people.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Costco Wholesale in 2012 Essay Example for Free

Costco Wholesale in 2012 Essay Analysis and Evaluation Since the inception of Costco in 1983, one of its drawbacks is, they have 4,000 selections of merchandise compared to their competitors. In addition, customers can only purchase merchandises in bulk. Consumers who shop at Costco do not have the choice to pick up one single item, for instance a can of soup. Although Costco prices are low and the consumers get more for their money, more consumers are wasting food because they no longer have the big families. Costco needs to look at the demographics and re-evaluate their business model, as this could be detrimental to the company. In today’s society, more families are getting divorce and are becoming single parents. The big families are almost none existent; therefore, most consumers do not need to purchase in bulk. Many consumers want to have choices when it comes to the amount of food they purchase. One may say there are other shopping establishments a consumer may visit to get exactly what they want; however, that is beside the point. Giving consumers the choice to purchase individual merchandise will not only bring in more business but also an increase in cash flow, which will also increase profits for Costco. On the other hand, Costco competitors such as Wal-Mart stocked up 40,000 to 150, 000 items for shoppers to choose from and Sam’s Club have over 16,000 items. Sam’s Club have the treasure-hunt items but tend to be less upscale and carry lower price tags than those of Costco. Both Wal-Mart and Sam’s Club give shoppers more choices than Costco even though Costco offers a cheaper price on their merchandise. Costco spends very little in advertisements and they totally rely on their name and word of mouth by their customers. Compared to Sam’s Club they spent about $50 million annually advertising and direct mail promotions. Furthermore, Costco does not have a Public Relation department, which is not good business practice, even though they have been around for years and they are doing well financially. However, there are many opportunities for one of its competitor to come in take away their market share. Costco does not attract people who are below the poverty line; they cater to the business consumer and urbanites that have an annual income of $100,000; therefore, people who are impoverish cannot afford the membership fees and bulk purchase. In addition, Costco membership fee is more expensive compared to Sam’s Club. Recommendation Costco needs to improve the variety of choices by giving the consumer more than 4,000 items to choose from while their competitors are actually giving customers what they want. Costco needs to take into consideration the economy; people have lost their jobs and the recession, as customers are looking for cheaper prices and ways to saving money. Furthermore, if Costco does not come up with new and innovative strategies to entice low income and single household family to their establishment they are giving their competitors the upper hand. Costco should also focus on the advertisement because number of its rivals is already doing intense advertisement. In today’s global and technological world, many businesses are being aggressive and are taking advantage of investing heavily on the marketing. Costco cannot continue to use the concept of sitting back and waiting for their customers to spread the word by mouth. Costco needs to move in the direction of the 21st century by being more proactive by utilizing technology and a PR department for marketing purposes. It is true that company like Costco are doing good in economic downturn but competitors like Sam’s club is outperforming Costco in pricing which could be biggest threats to the Costco even though Costco keeps relatively branded and qualitative product than that of Sam’s Club The Five Forces Model of Competition Substitutes Strong threat Good substitutes everywhere Price not significantly higher Comparable product features More variety of features Low switching cost Potential new entrants Low threat Small pool entry candidates High barriers to entry Expanding market Attractive profits Buyers Weak bargaining power Some switching cost Large membership base Costco has the best value Suppliers Weak bargaining power Many suppliers Low switching cost Many substitutes exist Large quantities are needed Competing sellers Fierce Competition Costco is on top Quality is slightly better Buyer demand is growing Buyers switching cost is low SWOT Strength| Weakness| Low product and services†¢ Strong brand†¢ Excellent merchandise†¢ Exceptional employees†¢ 54 million members†¢ Economics of scale†¢ Efficiency| James Sinegal is 79†¢ Maintain high wages†¢ 42% higher than Sam’s Club†¢ Comparatively less attractive store layout for luxury items†¢Ã‚  Declining or inconsistent profit margins†¢ Primary focus on business customers rather than individual customers| Opportunities| Threat| Recession- Easier to find bargain luxury-items- Increased popularity of Costco†¢ Expanding foreign markets- Europe- China India †¢ Positive image in terms of employees pay and social responsibility†¢ Increasing brand awareness| Fierce competition†¢Costco cannot attract people who are below poverty line due to its membership fees and bulk purchase†¢High competition from Sam’s Club and BJ†¢Political problems in other countries| References Thomspson, A. A., Peteraf, M. A., Gamble, J. E., Strickland III, A. (2012). Crafting Executing Strategy (19th ed.). New York, New York: McGraw-Hill/Irvin.